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I (finally) watched Hours yesterday. This movie is one of the best movies I've ever watched!! It's very touching and inspiring. Hours is one of the last movie that played by Paul Walker. The movie is about the struggle of a father to keep his newborn daughter alive in the midst of Katrina storm when everybody leave them in the hospital with no electricity. I cannot tell how amazing the story is with words.

Paul Walker should win awards for this movie. His acting was so amazing. If only Paul Walker had not died, I believe he would smile and be satisfied with this movie.


Paul Walker is truly an angel

I've just read an article from http://omg.yahoo.com/blogs/celeb-news/paul-walker-was-a-true-gem-according-to-jewelry-store-clerk-170436969.html?vp=1 . This article is about Paul Walker's act which is the sweetest kindness I've ever known. The article is written like this:
"Paul Walker was best known for his action-packed films, but many are remembering the late actor, who died on Saturday in a fiery car crash, as a big softie with a huge heart
During the holiday season several years ago, the "Fast & Furious" actor walked into Bailey Banks and Biddle Jewelers in Santa Barbara, California, and, according to sales associate Irene King, what happened next was practically out of a feel-good Hollywood movie.
King told CBS Los Angeles that an associate nudged her and said, “There’s Paul Walker.”

“Oh, OK, yeah,” King replied with a smile. “I said, ‘Yeah, he’s a nice-looking man.’”

Walker was browsing for bling at the same time as a soldier who had just finished his first tour of duty in Iraq, and was looking at engagement rings with his fiancĂ©e. 

Paul Walker was just a genuine guy. (Splash News)

According to King, the pair saw a ring set they liked, but it was way too expensive and boasted a hefty $10,000 price tag. 

In comes Walker. The blue-eyed actor called the store's manager and told him to put the ring that the couple was looking at "on his tab," but to keep his identity hidden. He promptly walked out of the store. According to King, the store never told the couple that Walker was the man behind the purchase, and nobody ever knew the sweet story until now. 

King posted the story on the 40-year-old actor's Facebook page, among thousands of other anecdotes where people remembered him as "generous," "loving," and with a "heart of pure gold." Walker was a dedicated supporter of charities like the Billfish Foundation, and could always be counted on to raise funds for those in need. He founded his own organization, Reach Out Worldwide, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake. 

"To do something like that to a perfect stranger is just unbelievable,” King said. 

In this case, it appears that Paul Walker's generosity shined brighter than any diamond."


R.I.P Paul Walker :( and Roger Rodas

Paul Walker, who visited "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" on May 24, died Saturday in a single car accident in Santa Clarita.(source: www.nydailynews.com)

We all know that we will die, but we do not know when and how. 

November 30, 2013

Today, my favorite actor, Paul Walker, died. He was killed in fiery car crash with his friend, Roger Rodas, in Santa Clarita. They were in Porsche GT when the car crashed into a tree and burned.  They'd just left from Walker's organization event. Walker has a charity organization called Reach Out Worldwide. He loves doing charity (until his death).

So, the world will miss Walker's beautiful eyes, his kindness, and also his great acting. Everybody said that his death was too soon. Yes, I agree with that. He died at 40. Still young. I cannot imagine how hurt the heart of her only daughter, Meadow, and his girlfriend are.

Not only Walker, Roger Rodas also died at 38. A young man who has an amazing 8-year-old boy. The little boy ran away to help his father out from the damn car. It was very touching moment.

Rest in peace, Paul Walker and Roger Rodas. My prayers and thoughts go to your family and you will always be remembered.

This photo, sent out on Nov. 29, was the last tweeted from Paul Walker's account before his death, showing him with co-starts Tyrese Gibson and Vin Diesel: "The boys are back. Will you be ready? - #TeamPW #FastFridays."
This is his last photo which is tweeted by himself @realPaulWalker

Photo of the Porsche that Paul Walker was a passenger in when it crashed in Santa Clarifa, Calif.
(source: www.nydailynews.com)

A sheriff's deputy at the scene of a crash in Valencia, Calif., where Paul Walker and another person were killed when a Porsche crashed Saturday.
(source: www.nydailynews.com)


The last letter from Jonas Brothers

To Our Dear Friends and Fans Around the World

It is with heavy hearts that we confirm that our time as the Jonas Brothers is over. This decision has not come lightly, and we know that many of you will be disappointed. The time has come for us to move forward on individual career paths. We have been a band of brothers for 10 years and are now choosing simply to be brothers. Going forward, you can 
expect exciting things from each of us, and we will of course continue to support each other in all things.

We would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has supported and inspired us through the years, and stood by us in this difficult decision. We feel and appreciate your love. Because you waited so long for new music, we want to honor our Team Jonas fan club members by giving you our final album. This digital-only album contains four new studio recordings that would have appeared on our V album (which will now go unreleased). In addition, we're including 10 live tracks that we feel capture the energy and excitement of this past summer's tour. Details regarding delivery of this digital album to Team Jonas members will be issued shortly. We hope you enjoy this album as much as we've enjoyed performing for you over the last 10 years. It has been an amazing experience.

You will always be the best fans in the world.

Kevin, Joe & Nick

(Source : Jonas Brothers's official facebook)



I love Jonas Brothers so much because of their music and Nick (LOL). But seriously, I think Jonas Brothers's music is very unique with their own music style. I have been crazy of them since I was a high school student. 

Then, they said that they would take a 'holiday'. I had been waiting for them for 2 years. Suddenly, they released new singles, Pom Pom  and First Time. The music style is quite different than before, but it is fine. They also had planned a tour.... and canceled it. It was such a bad news for the fans who have bought the tickets. A few days ago, when my friend tweeted that @JonasBrothers was removed, I knew that there would be no more Jonas Brothers. 

Today, Jonas Brothers have announced that they're breaking up. Perhaps, it is time to say goodbye to my dream of attending their concert. 


Catching Fire (Tersulut)

Catching Fire atau Tersulut (dalam bahasa Indonesia) adalah buku kedua dari trilogi The Hunger Games, yang dikarang oleh Suzanne Collins.

Cerita berawal dari persiapan Katniss Everdeen dan Peeta Mellark untuk mengadakan Tur Kemenangan, tur ke distrik - distrik yang harus dilakukan oleh pemenang Hunger Games. Ya, Katniss dan Peeta adalah pemenang Hunger Games ke-74. Namun, cara mereka memenangkan pertandingan tersebut dianggap kontroversial oleh Capitol dan menyulut pemberontakan di distrik - distrik. Presiden Snow mewanti-wanti Katniss untuk meredam pemberontakan tersebut. Namun, sayangnya semuanya sudah terlambat, distrik - distrik telah menjadikan Katniss sebagai simbol untuk pemberontakan mereka. Beberapa bulan kemudian, Capitol mengadakan kembali Hunger Games yang ke-75. Entah disengaja atau tidak, Hunger Games kali ini mengharuskan tiap distrik mengirim  2 orang dari para pemenang permainan berdarah ini yang masih hidup. Sehingga, dapat dipastikan bahwa Katniss dan Peeta kembali ke arena.

Salah satu karakter yang menjadi favorit saya adalah Katniss Everdeen. Ia adalah seorang yang sangat tangguh dan cerdas. Tidak banyak perempuan yang mampu menjalani dan mempertahankan hidup seperti yang dilakukan Katniss, apalagi dengan kemampuan berburu yang luar biasa. Karakter Katniss ini dapat menjadi sosok  panutan bagi para generasi muda zaman sekarang untuk berani menghadapi dan mencari jalan keluar untuk semua rintangan yang ada dalam hidup, bukannya mencari jalan pintas.

Novel ini memiliki atmosfer yang lebih menegangkan daripada novel sebelumnya, The Hunger Games. Suzanne Collins berhasil meramu cerita yang dapat membawa pembaca masuk di situasi yang ada, sehingga kita dapat merasakan ketegangan yang ada ketika terjadi pemberontakan - pemberontakan, hukuman yang dilakukan oleh Penjaga Perdamaian, serta rintangan-rintangan yang ada di arena.

Tidak hanya fantasi dan pertualangan belaka yang disuguhkan buku ini, banyak nilai - nilai kehidupan yang bisa dipetik, seperti keluarga, cinta, pengorbanan, dan perjuangan. Buku ini membuat pembaca menyadari bahwa hidup harus dilalui dengan perjuangan dan pengorbanan, bukan hanya untuk diri kita, tetapi juga untuk orang - orang yang kita cintai dan bahkan orang - orang yang tidak kita kenal, yang ada di sekitar kita. Hal ini akan membuat hidup kita lebih berarti.

Buku ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk dibaca oleh siapapun, karena di dalamnya terkandung hampir semua genre, seperti fantasi, drama, thiller, dan action. Plus, berbagai pelajaran mengenai hidup yang ada dalam buku Tersulut ini.

Judul: Tersulut (Catching Fire)
Penulis: Suzanne Collins
Penerbit: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun: 2013
Hlm: 424
ISBN: 978-979-22-9946-5
Harga: Rp. 59.000,-


Farewell to Finn Hudson

As we know, Finn Hudson was played by Cory Monteith who died in July ( I still can't believe that he has gone). Cory has been my favorite actor  (and he will always be one of my favorite actors) from the first time I watched Glee. I love his charisma. His relationship with his on-off screen girlfriend, Lea Michele, was so sweet.

Today, I watched " Farewell to Finn ". This video promotes  "The Quarterback" episode of Glee. In this episode, New Direction will say goodbye to Finn Hudson although it's so hard to do. Well, I think this episode will be the most remembered and touching episode of Glee.



It was easy to dream when I was a kid. A lot of dreams that I have been dreamed. However,as I grow up, I find that it's harder to dream. In fact, I cannot dream anymore. I should take a step to be what my life will become. That is why (sometimes) I hate entering the adult life. Too many problems that I cannot understand how to solve them well.

But, I know I cannot step my life back. I should face everything that will appear in my life ahead. It is so hard to do, even sometimes I lose my heart. Thankfully, I know that God always be with me. I know that He is always by my side. That fact will be always strengthen my heart.


Happy Father's Day

Today is Father's Day.

I am dedicating this special day to:


God is always be my amazing Dad. He always teachs me a lot of things in life, walks beside me everyday, helps me to face my problems, and forgives my mistakes even my biggest mistakes.


My dad is a hard worker but he loves his family so much. He always does the best for his kids and sometimes sacrifices his wants. He is always be my great dad.


My grandfathers died before I was born. However, my parents tell me how amazing my grandfathers are. Well, I would like to say that they always be my incredible grandfathers and I will meet them someday.

Happy Father's Day :)


A beautiful poetry


I asked the Lord for a bunch of fresh flower
But instead He gave me ab ugly cactus with many thorns
I asked the Lord for some beautiful butterflies
But instead He gave me many dreadful worms

I was threatened
I was dissapointed
I mourned

After few days 
Suddeny I saw that cactus blooms
With many beautiful flowers
and those worms became some beautiful butterflies